About Us

Hi, nice to meet you!

We are happy that you are here.

Welcome to UrbanWheelz - where four unique minds come together to shape the world of electric mobility and add a personal touch to your Tesla!

Our team at UrbanWheelz is made up of individual personalities driven by a shared passion for electric vehicles. Each team member brings unique expertise to ensure we're not just selling supplies, but creating a movement.

Whether you're a style virtuoso with an eye for design, an environmental enthusiast with a strong commitment to sustainability, a tech guru researching the latest innovations, or a community curator sharing our passion for electric mobility, every team member plays a crucial role.

Together we are setting ourselves the goal of seeing electromobility not just as a means of transport, but as a lifestyle choice. Our team strives to not just sell products, but to create a community that celebrates the spirit of electric mobility.

Join us on this exciting journey, experience the fusion of style and technology, and discover how UrbanWheelz not only creates vehicles, but also stories. Your journey with us begins here – where electromobility meets personality!