our mission

Welcome to UrbanWheelz – where your Tesla ride becomes an unforgettable journey!

Our mission at UrbanWheelz is as exciting as a fast ride in your Tesla. We are passionate about changing the world of electric mobility and making it as unique as you are.


It's simple - we want your Tesla to be as individual as you are! Our accessories are not just an extension of your vehicle, but a creative canvas for your personal style. What we want to achieve with our mission:

  1. Express style: Your Tesla isn't just a car; it is an extension of your personality. Our accessories help you show your style on four wheels. Find products that not only fit your vehicle, but also your lifestyle.

  2. Rock environmental awareness: Electric vehicles are not only environmentally friendly, but also damn cool. UrbanWheelz focuses on sustainable mobility and supports the journey into the green future - with style.

  3. Ignite community spirit: At UrbanWheelz we are more than just a shop. We are a vibrant community of electric vehicle enthusiasts. Here we not only share accessories, but also stories, experiences and pure enthusiasm for the road.

Join us on this exciting journey, because at UrbanWheelz you will not only find accessories, but also a vibrant community that loves the ride as much as you do! 🚗💨✨