Payment Information

Safe shopping at UrbanWheelz

At UrbanWheelz, we attach great importance to transparency and security in your purchases. That's why we offer you various secure payment options to meet your needs.

  1. Credit Cards: We accept major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Your card details are transmitted securely encrypted to ensure the highest security standards.

  2. PayPal: Use PayPal to process your purchases quickly and securely. PayPal offers additional protection for your transactions and enables easy payment processing.

  3. Google Pay / Apple Pay: You also have the option of paying conveniently using Google Pay or Apple Pay.

Please note that all payment methods are secure and encrypted to the highest standards to protect your personal information.

If you have any questions about our payment information or special requests, we will be happy to help you.

Thank you for your trust in UrbanWheelz!